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Japan's New Trust Profile - Edelman Trust Barometer 2013


Special Seminar Hosted by Edelman Japan K.K. in Collaboration with GLOBIS Corporation
--- Insights from the Edelman Trust Barometer ---
Japan's New Trust Profile

The 13th annual "Edelman Trust Barometer" surveyed 31,000 people in 26 countries about their trust in government, business, NGOs and media. Last year's survey saw Japan transformed from a traditionally "neutral" country in terms of trust to become the world's second most "distrusting" country after Russia. Join us to hear the Japan results from the 2013 Edelman Trust Barometer which reveal that Japan now has a new trust profile --one of embedded distrust. David Brain, President and CEO, Edelman Asia Pacific presents the details of their findings.

Speaker: Mr. David Brain, President and CEO, Edelman Asia Pacific
Time and Date: 19:00 -- 20:30, Wednesday, Feb 20, 2013
Venue: GLOBIS University, Tokyo, Japan
Language: English
Duration: 33:37



