G1 Global Conference 2015
Breakout Session Ⅰ <C>
Leveraging Japan's Female Talent
In his speech at the 2014 Davos meeting, Prime Minister Abe made clear his intention to make Japan “a place where women shine” by ensuring that 30% of senior leadership positions would be occupied by women by 2020. The issue of gender parity is undoubtedly gaining increasing visibility in Japan, and yet the 2014 Global Gender Gap Report issued by the World Economic Forum ranks Japan 104 out of 142 countries surveyed, making it one of the lowest scoring high-income countries. While Japan’s demographic pressure requires urgent and drastic reform measures to redress such gender imbalance, what can be done to unlock the untapped talent of Japanese women? How can organizations embrace diversity to further drive innovation and maximize their growth potentials? The expert panel will discuss concrete steps that individual companies can take in order to close the gender gap and harness the competitive edge of corporate Japan. (Duration: 1:15:51)
Monika Merz
Toys“R”Us, Asia Pacific
Yosuke Yagi
Executive Officer and Executive Vice President
Human Resources and General Affairs
LIXIL Group Corporation
Haruno Yoshida
President & Representative Director, BT Japan Corporation
Vice Chair of the Board of Councillors, Keidanren
Kathy Matsui (Moderator)
Vice Chair, Chief Japan equity strategist,
Co-head of Macro Research in Asia
Goldman Sachs Japan Co., Ltd.