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Mr. Du Ree,

I have written the following tweet at twitter and written a blog in Japanese.

>Mr. Mark Du Ree, CEO of Adecco Japan said "Japanese youth has no values" at WEF EA Summit.He owes an apology to Japanese youth.

I was at the panel listening to your comments yesterday.

I felt your remark was of a very one sided view with over generalization. Most of the Japanese people I informed are angry at your remark. I would like to hear your views on this.








From: Mark DU REE

Sent: Monday, June 07, 2010 3:40 PM

To: hori

Subject: My Sincere Apology

Dear Hori San

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me.

Clearly my choice of words was not appropriate for the Forum which we are attending, nor was it an appropriate message for the young people of Japan. For this, I am profoundly sorry, and offer my deepest and most sincere apologies.

I have lived much of my life in Japan, and I love the country and its people. This is why I have stayed as long as I have and it is why I try so hard to help make it a better place, whether in my business activities or when interacting with the young people at the university. It is my sincerest hope that the young people will take more initiative in the affairs of their country, whether that means business or politics. This means "standing for something" and making one's voice heard. For some people, this may be outside of what is normal and usual for them. But, I think that for the continued success of Japan, this is critical.

In this case, Hori San, you stood for something, and brought it to my attention. Thanks again for taking the time to meet with me. For this I offer my gratitude.

Again, I offer my sincere apologies.

Kind regards

Mark Du Ree



It was a refreshing moment for me to have a chat with you for over a half an hour. I felt your passion to Japan. So I may have been the one who might have misunderstood your motive behind your statement. In fact, I felt very relieved after the discussions with you.

Thank you for apologizing on your comment. After a chat with you, I felt strongly obliged to work harder for Japan and for Japanese youth. I will stand up and endeavor to make changes to Japan.

BTW, Mr. Takashima of Oisix also wants to talk to you. He was another Japanese at the panel who also got offended. I told him the outcome of our discussions, but he still wants to talk with you in a friendly manner. I will give him your email address, but it is totally up to you to decide.

In the meantime, I will put up your email to my website as promised.

All the best and hope to see you again, soon.











Thanks so much for your kind words. I am greatly relieved that we had the chance to speak and that my passion for Japan was better understood. I am sorry for my weakness with words and will try diligently to better express myself.

I myself will redouble my efforts to support and help the young people of Japan, and hope to be able to have future dialogs with you, so that perhaps we can make Japan and the world a better place through our efforts.

If Takashima San is still here, I would be pleased to have a friendly chat with him. If we are not able to meet here, I would be happy to meet him some other time in Japan, or via email or telephone.

Thanks again and kind regards





