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Asia is One

Tenshin Okakura, who is famous for writing a best-selling book called The Book of Tea said, “Asia is one” in the opening line of the book he published in 1904. The book was titled The Ideals of the East.

He said “Asia is one” more than 100 years ago, when most of Asia was colonized by Western powers. Now that all the nations are independent and prospering, it was once again appropriate to discuss the topic of “Asia is One” at the World Knowledge Forum in Seoul, Korea. I would like to thank the organizer for holding this session.

Asia has prospered through the so-called “Flying Geese Economic Model.” After World War II, Japan took the lead, the 4 tigers (Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore) caught up, and other ASEAN nations followed. After the economic liberalization of China in 1978, Asia has enjoyed even greater economic expansion and deeper interdependence.

However, the road to prosperity was not easy. Japan was confronted with the burst of its economic bubble in 1990, and Asia had to overcome first the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997 and then the Lehman Shock in 2008. Asia now represents more than 30% of world’s GDP. It is estimated to become more than 50% by 2050.

Interdependency has increased even more. Let me take the iPad and the iPhone as examples. The high-tech components and fine materials come from Japan and neighboring countries, the memories and displays are produced in Taiwan and Korea, and the final products are assembled in China. Even though the political situation has deteriorated, economic integration is continuing.

Let’s talk about free trade. First, ASEAN reached an agreement, followed by ASEAN +1 agreements with Japan, China and Korea, respectively.

Now we are discussing an ASEAN+6 that has become the RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership). This includes Australia, New Zealand and India. Further, there is a 3-way FTA discussion among Japan, China, and Korea.

Also, there is a TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership), which includes Canada, the U.S., Mexico, Peru and Chile.

One might wonder what the best structure is. TPP, RCEP, something else?

My view as an entrepreneur is simple.
1) The opening of markets is good, no matter what the structure or initiative may be. TPP, RCEP, 3-way, or whichever.
2) The sooner is the better.
3) The larger market and the more comprehensive, the better.

I welcome all of the initiatives: RCEP, TPP, and 3-way of Japan-China-Korea. I am not sure whether we should confine ourselves into Asia by blocking the U.S., Peru, Mexico or Chile out of the FTA. The larger, the better.

It is good to have competition among each different initiative―RCEP, 3 ways, TPP―as there may be political deadlock among nations which could slow some initiatives, such as the 3-way at this moment. I believe that sooner is better.

Regarding the Korea-Japan and China-Japan relationships, the key to fostering better relationships is “grassroots interaction.” I have discussed the Senkaku/Diaoyu Island and Yasukuni issues with Chinese friends. I also discuss the pre-war history and comfort women issues with Korean friends.

I think it is important to understand that there are differences in opinions. In politics, the differences may reach a deadlock, as is the case now, but those differences should not block the dialogue. The doors should always remain open.

Further, economic and cultural interaction in the private sector should stay open, and the friendships should continue, no matter what kind of differences we may face with each other. In fact, our friendship becomes even stronger after discussing these difficult issues and having understood our differences.

If we define ourselves as Korean, Japanese, or Chinese alone, we may tend to become patriotic and solving any issue may become difficult. However, if we define ourselves to be “Asian”, we will need to collaborate as fellow Asians.

I think most of us have experiences studying abroad. Whenever we meet fellow Asians, we feel at ease and tend to make friends easier. The time will come when all of us regard ourselves as Asian, not just Korean, Chinese or Japanese.

Last night, I had great Korean food and makkori with Korean entrepreneurs whom I have known for 13 years. I invested in their company 13 years ago. In fact, this is the only company in the world I have ever invested in personally.

That Korean company is called Zionex, which was established by 3 Korean MIT PhDs 13 years ago. Zionex has become the No. 1 supply chain software company in Korea. This year they established a subsidiary in Japan, which I am supporting greatly. Zionex is now expanding to other parts of Asia, such as China and Taiwan.

Further, the business school, which I established 21 years ago called GLOBIS, has become the No. 1 MBA program in Japan in size and ranking. GLOBIS has welcomed many students from Korea and China. Further, GLOBIS employs many Koreans and Chinese as staff and faculty.

The economic integration and interaction should not stop, no matter what happens to the political situation in Asia. I believe that these private sector initiatives and friendships―
ot just politics―will realize the vision of “Asia is One.”

As long as there remains “grassroots interactions,” I feel comfortable that Asia will become as one. Thank you very much.











