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今年もG1 Global Conference(G1グローバル)の季節がやってきた。毎年9月から10月は、100%英語でのカンファレンスがグロービスの東京キャンパスで開催される。一昨年に開始して、昨年はWEFと共同で世銀・IMF総会の間に開催した。そして、今回が3回目だ。


Welcome to G1 Global. This is our 3rd annual G1 Global Conference. Last year we held in collaboration with WEF, right after WB/IMF Meeting in Tokyo. This year, we are holding once again at GLOBIS Campus.

G1 stands for "Group of One, Globe is one". It is not G20, G8 or G0, it is “G1".
The concept of G1 started 7 years ago in Dalian. When bunch of Japanese delegates met with Prof. Klaus Schwab and discussed on various issues. I raised one simple question, "Why are there China Summit and India Summit, but not Japan Summit". Prof. Schwab replied with good reasons for not holding the event in Japan, but then, he added. "Why don't you create one". That gave me an inspiration to start G1 Summit.

We initiated G1 Summit in 2009 at Fukushima, then changed the venue every year from Hokkaido, Nagano, Aomori and back in Fukushima this year. The problem of conferences in Japan is always the language. When we do it in Japanese, we tend to exclude others who do not understand Japanese. When we use interpreters, we tend to lose some contents in translation. Therefore, we decided to hold G1 Summit 100% in Japanese, and G1 Global 100% in English. At G1 Global, everybody has to speak in English, not Japanese, Chinese or Korean. Just English.

This year, we have the theme of "Stronger Japan - the impact on Asia and the World". After PM Abe has come back to power, he has restored the confidence on Japan. With Abenomics the stock markets rallied and the economy grew, Military budget has been increased and the position on the disputed islands has been asserted more openly, which have great implications on Geopolitics. And just last week, Olympic 2020 has been announced to be held in Tokyo. It was such blessing great news for Japan.

We would like to discuss various issues with the panelists from Korea, China, the US, UK, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, India, France, Germany, and from Nigeria,14 countries. We limited Japanese panelists to less than a half. I am sure that the discussion is going to be an exciting one.

Now, let me introduce you to one of our most important speakers of all, Mr. Nik Gowing. Nik has been moderating all the key note sessions since the beginning of G1 Global. I have attended many sessions in Davos. I strongly believe that Nik is the best moderator of all. So I have targeted Nik and spent some time with him. I even traveled to the UK for dinner and finally, I was able to convince Nik to come to Japan to moderate G1 Global. Thank you Nik for coming this year, as well.

Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Nik Gowing.



全体会の後は分科会。まずは「エネルギー安全保障」だ。パネリストは、田中伸男 前国際エネルギー機関(IEA)事務局長、川口順子 元外務大臣、CLSAのニコラス・スミス氏。モデレータは、環境省国際調整官として気候変動交渉に携わってきた島田久仁彦さんだ。


「米国にシェールガスがあり、中国には石炭があり、ロシアには天然ガスがあり、欧州には石炭や集団的エネルギー保障体制がある。日本がどうやってそれらの諸国と、原発無しで戦えるのか? 現実的に考える必要がある。シリア情勢などによっては、日本が90%のエネルギーを依存する湾岸諸国にも影響を及ぼすことになる。リスクを克服して原発を使っていかないと、経済が立ち行かなくなる。そのことを国民に説得する必要がある。IEAの調査によると、日本が原発無しになった場合、中国の3倍の電力コストになるとの試算が出た」(田中前IEA事務局長)

「1)原発にはリスクがある。だが、「原発無しの日本」のリスクの方が大きい。そのことを国民に説得する必要がある。 2)再処理を含めて新しい原子力循環システムを考える必要がある。使用済み核燃料は、エネルギーの源だ。韓国には再処理が許されてない」「原発が必要だ。それには多くの理由があるからだ、とキチンと説明すべきだ。『日本は、原発を失うと二流国になる』とアメリカの国際政治学者ジョセフ・ナイが言った。原発の技術は地政学的に重要だ。福島原発事故前はこの議論はタブーだったが、今は逆に議論しやすい環境ができた」(田中前IEA事務局長)

「原発の近隣地域は、基本的に原発に賛成だ。雇用が生まれているからだ。一方、都市部の住民は、原発に反対している。最も恩恵を受けているのにもかかわらず、だ。しっかりとした国民への説明が重要だ。原発はクリーンエネルギーだから強く勧めたい」(川口順子 元外務大臣)








ちなみに分科会セッションは、 以下の通り同時に3会場で開催されていた。
◆10:45 – 12:00
Breakout Session I <A>
Global Entrepreneurship
Fujiyo Ishiguro (President & CEO, Netyear Group Corporation)
Ryo Kubota (Chairman, Prsident & CEO, Acucela Inc.)
Jiren Liu (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Neusoft Corporation)
Dongsik Yoo (CEO, Zionex, Inc.)
Allen Miner (Chairman and CEO, SunBridge Group)

Breakout Session I <B>
Energy Security after Fukushima
Yoriko Kawaguchi (Visiting Professor, Meiji Institute for Global Affairs)
Nicholas Smith (Strategist, CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets)
Nobuo Tanaka (Global Associate for Energy Security and Sustainability, Institute of Energy Economics, Japan)
Kunihiko Shimada (CEO, KS International Strategies, Inc.; Special Advisor to the Minister, Ministry of the Environment)

Breakout Session I <C>
Gender and Economic Growth in Japan
Georges Desvaux (Managing Partner, McKinsey Japan)
Kathy Matsui (Managing Director, Chief Japan Equity Strategist, Global Investment Research, Goldman Sachs Japan Co., Ltd.)
Akira Tsuchiya (Executive Director, Head of Japan, World Economic Forum)
Special Contributor:
Etsuko May Okajima (Chief Executive Officer, ProNova Inc.,)
Hiroko Kuniya (Anchor, NHK-TV)

◆13:00 – 14:15
Breakout Session II <A>
Monetary Policy of “Abenomics”: Overview and Impact
Shawn D Baldwin (Chairman, Capital Management Group)
Jesper Koll (Managing Director and Head of Japanese Equity Research, JP Morgan Securities Japan)
Oki Matsumoto (Chairman & CEO, Monex Goup, Inc.)
Thierry Porte (Managing Director, J.C. Flowers & Co. LLC)
Hiromichi Mizuno (Partner, Coller Capital)

Breakout Session II <B>
Africa and Japan: Business and Development Partnerships after TICAD V
Masaru Arakida (Senior Researcher, Asian Disaster Reduction Center)
George Krhoda (Associate Professor, Geography and Environment Studies, University of Nairobi;
Managing Director, REDPLAN Consultants Ltd.)
Satish Selvanathan (Director, Premium Nutrients Pte. Ltd.)
Satoru Nishikawa (Director-General of Audit, Japan Water Agency)

Breakout Session II <C>
Geopolitics in East Asia
Glen S. Fukushima (Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress)
Moon Chung-in (Professor of Political Science, Yonsei University; Editor-in-chief, Global Asia)
Tomohiko Taniguchi (Councillor, Prime Minister’s Office)
Dan Slater (Director, Delphi Network)

◆14:30 – 15:45
Breakout Session III <A>
Politics in Japan: the July Election and after
Keiichiro Asao (Member of the House of Representatives; Secretary-General, Your Party)
Michael Cucek (Author, Shisaku Blog; Research Associate, M.I.T. Center for International Studies)
Taro Kono (Member of the House of Representatives)
Jonathan Soble (Tokyo Bureau Chief, Financial Times)

Breakout Session III <B>
ASEAN and India: Making the most of business opportunities
Vachara Phanchet (Chairman Emeritus, Pacific Basin Economic Council)
Ted Tan (Deputy Chief Executive, SPRING Singapore)
Sanjeev Sinha (President, Sun and Sands Group)
Yoko Ishikura (Professor, Graduate School of Media Design, Keio University)

Breakout Session III <C>
Cool Japan
Misha Janette (Fashion Director/Journalist/Blogger)
Naomitsu Kodaka (Co-Founder & CFO, Tokyo Otaku Mode Inc.)
Fumio Nanjo (Director, Mori Art Museum)
Takaaki Umezawa (Director of the Board; Managing Director Japan, A.T. Kearney )


「日本の記者クラブ制度は、止めるべきだ。もう既に古いシステムになっている。今は意味が無くなっている。Get rid of it!」




Typhoon, but luckily it went away.
I have been so excited at this year’s G1 Global.

100% English Conference is such an exciting idea. I have been amazed at
1) The variety of speaker nationalities; over 14.
2) The insight into various topics
3) Capability of Japanese speakers to be vocal about various topics in English
One of the purposes of G1 Global is to make Japanese people more global. I feel that it has been successful in that regard, as well.

Thanks to the media sponsors as well as V-CUBE for helping us

We will have the following G1 Events.
G1 Executive inviting CEOs, November 4th 2013
G1 Kyushu & Okinawa @Fukuoka, February 15-16th 2014
G1 Summit in March 2014

I believe this is the best way to discuss the future of Japan, Asia and the World.
Let’s enjoy Dinner Reception. Thank you!
そしてディナー・レセプションでは、数多くの参加者から、”Good Job!”とのお褒めの言葉をもらった。「今回のG1グローバルは、大成功だった」と言える。登壇者の皆さま、ご参加いただいた皆さま、globis.tv で視聴頂いた皆さん全員に感謝を申し上げたい。世界14カ国から集ったスピーカーは、圧巻だった。

G1 グローバルで何よりも感心したのが、日本人が堂々と英語で徹底的に議論をしている姿だ。もの凄く優秀な日本人がいることに、本当に感銘を受けた。特に政治家や政府内で働いている方々からは、国を引っ張っているのだという気概を感じた。


また、早速Japan Timesの記事になっていました。いい感じだ。






