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Africa and Japan: Business and Development Pertnerships after TICAD V (G1 Global Conference 2013)


G1 Global Conference 2013
Breakout Panel Session II <B >
Africa and Japan: Business and Development Pertnerships after TICAD V

The Fifth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) in June 2013 closed with Prime Minister Abe's pledge on a government and private development aid of up to 3.2 trillion-yen. What are the keys to forging mutually beneficial, strategic relationship between Japan and Africa? This session aims to discuss baseline issues critical for sustainable development of African communities, how to enhance local governance and what kind of knowledge sharing between Japan and African communities may be useful. Ways to address these issues through business expansion and investments may also be discussed. The session features panelists with wealth of expertise on African development.

■ Panelists
Masaru Arakida
Senior Researcher, Asian Disaster Reduction Center
George Krhoda
Associate Professor, Geography and Environmental Studies,
University of Nairobi
Managing Director, REDPLAN Consultants Ltd.
Satish Selvanathan
Director, Premium Nutrients Pte. Ltd.
■ Moderator
Satoru Nishikawa
Director-General of Audit, Japan Water Agency




